A singly linked list is a data structure that has a sequence of nodes. A node contains data and a reference to the next node. We can find a node with the given value in the linked list using two approaches, i.e., iterative or recursive. In this article, we will use the recursive approach to search for an element in the linked list.
Step for Searching a Linked List for an Element using Recursion
The search method takes the current node curr_node
of the linked list, the value to search, and an index. Initially, we pass the head of the linked list as curr_node
and 0 as the index value.
If curr_node
is NULL, then no node with the given value is found, and therefore, we return NULL
If the value at curr_node
is equal to the given one, then the node with the given value is found. We return that node and its index in the linked list.
Otherwise, we continue our recursive search and advance the linked list by passing curr_node
.next to the search method. We also increment the value of the index when calling the search function.
Implementation of Linked List search using Recursion
The implementation of the recursive search is given as follows:
#node for the linked list class Node: def __init__(self, value=None): self.value = value self.next = None #implementation of linked list class LinkedList: def __init__(self): self.head = None self.length = 0 #total number of elements in the linked list #adds a node at the end of the linked list def insert(self, value): node = Node(value) #create a node if self.head == None: #if list is empty insert a node at the start self.head = node else: temp = self.head #iterate through the list till last node is found while temp.next: temp = temp.next temp.next = node #adding a new node self.length += 1 #increment the length #traverse the complete list and print the node value def traverse(self): temp = self.head while temp: print(temp.value, end="\t") temp = temp.next print("") def search_recursive(curr_node, value, index=0): if curr_node == None: #element not found return None if curr_node.value == value: #node with the given value found return index, curr_node else: return search_recursive(curr_node.next, value, index+1) #advance the linked list and increase the value of index Output ll = LinkedList() #create list_1 #insert values ll.insert(1) ll.insert(8) ll.insert(6) ll.insert(2) ll.insert(3) ll.insert(0) print("Linked list:") ll.traverse() value = 3 index, node = search_recursive(ll.head, 3) print(f"The index of the given value {value} is:", index)
1 8 6 2 3 0 The index of the given value 3 is: 4