Julia – Environment setup

In this lesson, you will learn how to download and install Julia on a Windows Operation System. You will also run your first program to ensure that your computer is ready for the learning journey.

Download and Install Julia

Installing Julia is straight forward and does not require any prerequisites. Julia however comes with additional packages that can be installed as well. We will talk about packages in detail later in this course.

To get started, we need to download Julia from https://julialang.org/downloads/, then install it. The download page contains various versions for different operating systems. In this course, we are going to use Julia for windows OS.

Below are the available version available to download.

Now follow the steps below to download and install Julia for windows:

1- Download the installer

Select the windows installer ( either 32 or 64 version, depends on your Windows OS)

2- Run the installer

Select the installation directory, click next.

3- Run Julia

After Julia is successfully installed on your computer you can run by either going to the installation directory or find Julia executable shortcut on your desktop or the start menu.

4 – Run a sample code

Now we have Julia installed, let’s run a simple code to make sure the installation process went well.

println("Welcome to Julia tutorial!")

Now You have installed Julia on your computer and ran a sample program. Let’s move to the next lesson with some more exciting topics!

Points to Remember

  • Julia can be installed on Windows, Linux, and Mac operating systems.
  • println is the function to print a string to the console.
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